The Automatic Joint Teeth Segmentation in Panoramic Dental Images using Mask Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks with Residual Feature Extraction:

Can it be useful in Oral Cancer Diagnosis and Management?


  • Raghavendra H. Bhalerao Dept of Electrical Engineering, IITRAM, Ahemdabad, India
  • Abhijeet Ashok Salunke Department of Surgical Oncology, The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahemdabad, India
  • Shristi Sharan Dept of Electrical Engineering, IITRAM, Ahemdabad, India
  • Kamlesh Kumar Dept of Electrical Engineering, IITRAM, Ahemdabad, India
  • Priyank Rathod Dept of Electrical Engineering, IITRAM, Ahemdabad, India
  • Prince Kumar Dept of Electrical Engineering, IITRAM, Ahemdabad, India
  • Manish Chaturvedi Dept of Electrical Engineering, IITRAM, Ahemdabad, India
  • Nandlal Bharwani Department of Surgical Oncology, The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahemdabad, India
  • Krupa Shah Dept of Electrical Engineering, IITRAM, Ahemdabad, India
  • Dhruv Patel Department of Surgical Oncology, The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahemdabad, India
  • Keval Patel Department of Surgical Oncology, The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahemdabad, India
  • Vikas Warikoo Department of Surgical Oncology, The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahemdabad, India
  • Manisha Abhijeet Salunke Dental Surgeon, Ahmedabad, India
  • Shashank Pandya Department of Surgical Oncology, The Gujarat Cancer and Research Institute, Ahemdabad, India



Medical image segmentation, Image segmentation using MRCNN Medical Imaging, Teeth segmentation, AI in Oral Cancer, CNN in Oral Cancer



Panoramic dental images gives an in-depth understanding of the tooth structure, both lower and upper jaws, and surrounding structures throughout the cavity in our mouth.The Panoramic dental images provided have significance for dental diagnostics since they aid in the detection of an array of dental disorders, including oral cancer. We propose a novel approach to automatic joint teeth segmentation using the pioneer Mask Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network (MRCNN) model for dental image segmentation.

Material and Methods

In this study, a sequence of residual blocks are used to construct a 62-layer feature extraction network in lieu of ResNet50/101 in MRCNN. To evaluate the efficacy of our method, the UFBA-UESC and Tufts dental image dataset (2500 panoramic dental x-rays) were utilised. 252 x-rays were used in test set, rest of the x-rays were utilised as training(1800 images) and validation datasets(448images) in ratio of 8:2 of the modified MRCNN model.


Modified MRCNN achieved the final training and validation accuracies as 99.67% and 98.94%, respectively.The achieved accuracy of Dice coefficient (97.8%), Intersection over Union, (98.67%), and Pixel Accuracy(96.53%) respectively over the whole dataset. We also compare the performance of proposed model and other well established networks such as FPN, UNet, PSPNet, and DeepLabV3. The Modified MRCNN provides better results segmenting any two teeth which are close.


Our proposed method will serve as a valuable tool for automatic segmentation of individual teeth for medical management. This current method leads to higher accuracy and precision. Segmented images can be used to evaluate periodic changes, providing valuable data for assessing the progression of oral cancer and the efficacy of management.Future research should focus on developing  less complex, lightweight, and faster vision models while maintaining high accuracy.


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How to Cite

The Automatic Joint Teeth Segmentation in Panoramic Dental Images using Mask Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks with Residual Feature Extraction:: Can it be useful in Oral Cancer Diagnosis and Management?. (2024). Swiss Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 12(1), 5-14.

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