
Please listen to our newly published song of the Swiss Singer Songwriter Group popCHorn starring Ronny Ehrbar, very estimated team mate of the Radiology Dept. InselSpital, University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland:


Our articles, already published online, are now available as audio-casts! Explore the links to our audio files, hosted on YouTube, below:

Vol 1-1 Diagnostic lymphangiography with therapeutic effect: Since more than 70 years Lipiodol is used as an off-label standard of care for chylothorax - why not convert to on-label use?



Vol 1-2 Osteoid Osteoma - Synopsis of clinical, radiological, and therapeutical relevance of this rare entity


Vol 2-1 Radiology in modern economics - business as usual?


Vol 2-2 Early detection in cases of familial breast cancer predisposition: What is appropriate and beneficial for the individual seeking advice?


Vol 2-3 Typical and atypical appearance of microwave ablation zones in the liver


Vol 3-1 Low Cellular Sclerosis of Anterior Mediastinum


Vol 3-2 Uncommon Cause of Recurrent Pneumonias Enormous Tracheal Diverticulum with Fistula. Case Report - Diagnostic Part


Vol 4-1 Transarterial Embolization of Visceral Artery Aneurysms - A Literature Review and Two Case Reports


Vol 4-2 Comparison of CT and MR Imaging of Cystic Renal Masses by Using the Bosniak Classification System


Vol 5-1 Piracy? What Piracy?


Vol 5-2 Regulatory Needs for Radiation Protection Devices based upon Artificial Intelligence - State task or leave unregulated?


Vol 6-1 Complex retrograde transarterial access and embolization of a giant internal iliac artery aneurysm after occlusion failure of Micro vascular plug (MVP) embolization and preceding EVAR in the distal ectatic Aorta and bilateral iliac artery aneurysms in a 90 years old patient


Vol 6-2 Multiple Myeloma - Extramedullary Manifestations


Vol 7-1 Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva and Bone Scintigraphy: Case Report


Vol 7-2 Contribution of Bone Scintigraphy in Benign Bone Pathology: Illustrations of Cases from the Nuclear Medicine Department at the University Hospital of Fes


Vol 7-3 ChatGPT may free time needed by the interventional radiologist for administration / documentation: A study on the RSNA PICC line reporting template


Vol 8-1 Bilateral Ovarian Goiter: Case Report and Review of the Literature


Vol 8-2 Collateral after Splenic Vein Thrombosis: Case Report


Vol 8-3 Role of 99mTc-HMDP Bone Scintigraphy in the Management of Neurogenic Para-Osteo-Arthropathies (NAOP)


Vol 9-1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of a Rare Case of Primary Choriocarcinoma of the Vulva


Vol 9-2 Utility of multimodality imaging in a curious case of crippled child


Vol 9-3 Inhomogeneous Focal Fat Distribution as Pseudolesions in a Patient with Pancreatic Carcinoma


Vol 9-4 Intraosseous Schwannoma of the Upper Extremity A Single Institutional Experience and Review of Literature


Vol 9-5 Ultrasound Analysis of the Most Important Musculoskeletal Issues


Vol 10-1 Splenic Artery Aneurysm Occlusion by Overlapping Gore® Viabahn® Endoprosthesis Devices: A Piece of Cake or - Once in a While - a Real Challenge



to be continued